idk what to title this

5 months ago

i feel myself falling inlove with this boy, hes everything anyone would need in a partner. ik im only 15 but these are such big emotions, like i feel my body fill up with happiness when i think of him. we haven't even kissed and today was my 2nd time actually hanging out with him but i just feel so safe beside him. i want to be next to him forever, im so alert when im next to him, its kinda like i...

Do you think women should be allowed to drive?

1 year ago

Even today if I left the house a second earlier I would’ve been badly injured. As this idiot woman didn’t think to look as she sped so fast out of a car park It’s clear pedestrians cross there and she’s an idiot. She didn’t even notice afterwards Either Any incident I’ve been in a car with involves women.

I've always been depressed.

1 year ago

I've always been depressed. For as long as I can remember the past 7 years have been hell in my life. There were some really good times when the flame gets too hot you enjoy it, like spending time with your family or staying up with your one friend but every single night, for the past 7 years, not once did I feel I was good with life. I'm not suicidal anymore, I think it's ridiculous. I don't self...

i do nothing all day but eat, sleep

1 year ago

My constant, sloth like state disgusts me. im a 17 year old male living in england currently and i hate myself. i hate my life. im constantly in a state of boredom, but im too lazy to do anything, im not at college because i cant be bothered having to try to achieve something, i was recently in a relationship with a girl who i thought i loved, but she wanted me to go out every day and i dont want...

I think I'm insane

1 year ago

I'm a 35 married man with two adolescent kids that I adore, and two cats. I love all my family. I'm a vegetarian, I do charity work at church and nurse back to health every stray animal I meet. I'm well liked among my coworkers and my boss loves me. BUT, there is this woman, a fat blonde woman who looks like Kevin Malone from the Office with a thin wig, obese mind you, and runs a Sailor Moon fan p...

I just completed SHS.

1 year ago

Please I need advice on what to do. I just completed SHS. I checked my results and they were very good. But during school time, anytime I brought the idea of furthering my education to my father he will brush it off. I have now completed and when I brought it up he told me he is sending me to the nursing training although I am not interested. I wanted to go to the university. I cried yesterday saa...

How to answer “why are you quitting your job?

1 year ago

“Why are you quitting?” “Why did you leave your last job?” “Yikes! I made a mistake!” You may face those questions when quitting a job. The first are from employers. The last is from yourself. Before you quit, make sure it’s for the right reasons. Then tell the best one to present and future boss:


she sent me a message saying we should be friends

1 year ago

I Am Derrick from adenta and am currently owning my own workshop as a welder. I was in a relationship with this lady who happened to be my cl***mate back from school, she was a really sweet woman and we had a plan of settling down next year and even went for a wedding list from her parents. Well things started heating up when my job went bad to worse a year by now and my rent was also up and so i...

I just want to die

1 year ago

I'm tired. Really tired. Doubling my anti depressant dosage gave 4 days of not feeling suicidal. 4 days. Idk what to do anymore. Meds can't make me happy, people can't make me happy, video games can't make me happy, hobbies can't make me happy. I'm just tired.

My parents have a cat that has hated me for 10 years. Finally through bribery we're friends.

1 year ago

So my parents have a pretty Persian cat, appropriately named Purrsia. They adopted her about 10 years ago, she was a stray and after feeding her and caring for her my mom officially adopted her. She was probably on her own for a while, was feral and wild. It took effort by my mom to get her somewhat friendly and relatively housebroken. She at first wouldn't let anyone pet her, barely let my mom...

Because I am not allowed to smoke

1 year ago

Because I am not allowed to smoke, me and a friend of mine meet once a day in our near park to smoke a cigarette. We always put the snags in a plastic bag and throw them in a rubbish bin. A few days ago a fire occured in that park. One of our cigarettes kept glowing and set the bin on fire, a few trees and some bushes got also burnt down and now the police and everyone is looking for those person...

Narcissistic girl stuck in my head

3 months ago

I helped a girl last year and was quite selfless in doing so. I saw she was manipulative about things after I started helping her. Before we were just two people with similarities in life and the same age from the same boring city and so on. She never hinted at needing anything ever and we just talked as two people attempting to be friends. However, when we first met I thought we were similar a...

narcissistic-girl in-my-head

Watching cartoons as an adult is so underappreciated

1 year ago

I cannot stress this enough, if you ever watch a cartoon as an adult, you will literally get a rush of joy, like even more powerful than watching it as a child, because as a child, you were constantly exposed to cartoons, which makes them boring, but since as an adult, you have less time for cartoons, watching them is so satisfyingly fun. So, please go watch at least some cartoons once in a week.


How can I stop this feelings for animals

1 year ago

Hi ANONRE.COM . Keep my id anonymous, please. I have a weird confession to make.. In my case, i think am unique coz have read a lot of confessions but have not met any similar to mine. Anyway am 31 years old married with two kids since i was 20 years i have been having ***ual feelings for animals like all domestic animals chirese am attracted to animals oh. Anytime i come across any animal i get h...

we broke up because he thought I cheated

1 year ago

honestly, we broke up because he thought I cheated, i didn't. i just want him back, but i know that's not smart for mental health reasons because we weren't very healthy anymore. i miss him. a lot. he was my best friend, he's seen every part of me, seen how i am high as ****, seen me sobbing my eyes out over a woman who wasn't even related to me. i just want my friend back, without the feelings. H...