Am I taking things out of proportion?

1 year ago

My friend told me I will get advice here. I am F(26). A year ago I met a man(29). He is just perfect in everyway. We started dating and honestly I have no complaints. We bonded over our mutual love for culture and tradition and our Ghanaian heritage. Things were so good between us and my family loves him. He suggested we visit his family in the village which I agreed. We were supposed to spend t...

Tis the season for depression.

1 year ago

**** Christmas, **** Joey, and **** the Donkey they road in on.

How do I tell my fiance’ I’m pregnant for another man?

1 year ago

I am a 24-year-old Cameroonian lady. I got engaged and my fiancé travelled to the United States about 1 year, 4 months ago. We truly love each other and my greatest wish is to marry this guy. He has been taking care of my bills and even my sister’s and he sends gifts to my family. I started dating this married man and the moment I really decided to end this and invited him for a talk, I d...

People need to stop getting into relationships with people who cant take care of themself

1 year ago

I don't even know what to add to this. Your bf doesn't want to take showers? Just leave wtf??? Also talking about m***ively depressed/suicidal/addicted persons. Get help first and then when you are better get into a relationship. For yourself and especially for the other one


Late Nights, Lovestruck, and Lying

7 months ago

Alright, so here's the deal: I'm 16 years old (Too young for this website? Oh well, I'm using my sister's email and DOB. Anyways...), and I've been homeschooled all my life. I've been raised as a Christian - or so my parents think - which means I go to church regularly. Aside from that, visiting family, and complimenting someone's shoes in a grocery store, I've had very little social life. Tha...

Married young

1 year ago

My wife and I were married when she was 17 and I was 19. We had our first son at 19 and 21. After our son was born my wife put him first in our lives. I was denied *** over and over until out of frustration I found a girlfriend. My girlfriend didn’t know I was married at the time. One day when my wife was visiting her parents with the baby I took my girlfriend home to grab something I had forgotte...

I cheat on my husband with him

1 year ago

I often steal or sneak a peek on my lover’s phone when he’s in the shower. I do this all the time now. Before it locks, I am there. One day I found some emails in his archives. It involved a female friend of his that secretly had an abortion with her lover of many years. I believe that child was his but only know when manic they both often had *** together when he visited her. He says he can’t ha...

I feel obnoxious that it was a mere luck

1 year ago

This confession is for my parents. Last year I gave an entrance exam, ie IIT JEE. I prepared well for it and was confident that I will crack it. But at the time of examination, I got blank! I just baffled. I didn't knew what to do. After some time, I got relaxed and just marked most of the answers randomly. I was disdained by my performance. I was not sure about my result. I felt gawky. But when I...

Friends are overrated

5 months ago

Just a waste of time. I was better off when I had no friends. A lot of people only want to be supported but don’t want to support others. I always pretend to be interested in the s/hit my friends are into and they never do the same for me. I have to listen to the same sob stories from them over and over again and they expect me to comfort them. I don’t give a f/uck about their stupid family issues...

can't be clean

6 months ago

the past three days have been horrible, my boyfriend has been manipulative and I couldn't deal with it anymore. I'm only 15 but I needed to come one here to confess. So new year and i've already cut myself, I cut myself new years day, yesterday I cut myself in the school bathrooms, today the same. all because of my boyfriend.

I stole a coffee today

1 year ago

I got fired from my job one month ago. I worked there for four years. They didn't really give me a reason, but they let 30% of the staff go on 10/26 I had some savings, but after my rent, car insurance, health insurance, streaming services, etc., I have nothing left. I've since canceled anything unnecessary but a little too late. I have a degree, and I've been applying to lots of jobs in my...

My sister is cheating on her spouse.

1 year ago

Me (16f) have two sisters, a and b. (A22 B21) B has a boyfriend (40m) who is the father of her child. Today A was visiting and suddenly she looked at her phone and had the most shocked face, I asked her what was wrong and she signalled me to come look. I look on the screen and see that B has confessed to cheating with multiple different people. I don’t think anyone else knows except for us and I’m...

The Hidden Consequence of Passive Suicidal Ideation

1 year ago

Hey yall, I'm a 22-year-old female, finally coming to grips with the hidden cost of being p***ively suicidal and depressed. I've been depressed ever since I was 10 years old, and I went through immense childhood abuse, and I planned on dying at 18. I was homeless at the time and crashing on couches, and I went to college because I had to. I went to art school because I was deeply depressed a...

I enjoy when other people suffer.

1 year ago

I'm a 33 year old man from Finland, living a more or less normal life. I could describe myself with the following words: Intelligent, Adaptive, Cautious, Well-mannered, Introvert... Sadist. Of course, the last one is a quality that I wouldn't mention in a casual conversation. Not that I'm ashamed of it, but I feel that it's something that is almost universally deemed as an unambiguously bad t...

Older guys

1 year ago

Never expected it when I was younger but turns out my favorite thing in the world is to dress like a ****ty femboy and let old men do whatever they want to me.
