Am I taking things out of proportion?

2 years ago

My friend told me I will get advice here. I am F(26). A year ago I met a man(29). He is just perfect in everyway. We started dating and honestly I have no complaints. We bonded over our mutual love for culture and tradition and our Ghanaian heritage. Things were so good between us and my family loves him. He suggested we visit his family in the village which I agreed. We were supposed to spend t...

The Hidden Consequence of Passive Suicidal Ideation

2 years ago

Hey yall, I'm a 22-year-old female, finally coming to grips with the hidden cost of being p***ively suicidal and depressed. I've been depressed ever since I was 10 years old, and I went through immense childhood abuse, and I planned on dying at 18. I was homeless at the time and crashing on couches, and I went to college because I had to. I went to art school because I was deeply depressed a...

My sister is cheating on her spouse.

2 years ago

Me (16f) have two sisters, a and b. (A22 B21) B has a boyfriend (40m) who is the father of her child. Today A was visiting and suddenly she looked at her phone and had the most shocked face, I asked her what was wrong and she signalled me to come look. I look on the screen and see that B has confessed to cheating with multiple different people. I don’t think anyone else knows except for us and I’m...

I feel as if I am going insane.

1 year ago

I keep on daydreaming about.. terrorist **** basically. I want to stop the world from ending, and the only way to do that is to get rid of the parasite on life that is humanity. I know I'm not smart enough or powerful enough to do so, but it's all I want to do. I think about how it would be if this was a story and I was the 'villain' in the context of the story. It wouldn't matter if I was right o...


I just want to die

2 years ago

I'm tired. Really tired. Doubling my anti depressant dosage gave 4 days of not feeling suicidal. 4 days. Idk what to do anymore. Meds can't make me happy, people can't make me happy, video games can't make me happy, hobbies can't make me happy. I'm just tired.

Choosing a partner

1 year ago

I fell in love with a man who was strong and with violent tendencies, I thought he could protect me from the world, and I was right. What I didn't know was that I wouldn't be able to protect myself from him.

i did something wrong

2 months ago

throw away acc bc yes sorry for the grammar i suck... so i made a post about me cutting more and a dude texted me and asked to see my cuts. i asked why wnd he told me just do it and i did. later i was venting about my mum and he tells me to go cut. everytime i vent he says go cut. i end up cutting bc that's all i can do atp. a few days ago he stopped texting and im just so confused. i did wh...

Used to sell drugs and lucked out twice

1 year ago

I used to sell painkillers when I was in my early 20s to pay a debt I owed. It wasn’t any big deal as what I was selling was minor compared to some of my ***ociates. I didn’t care being opportunists and easy money. A friend sold H. He had me hold the H for him while a cop was following him constantly. I was having a bad day after a girl I was with cheated on me. I wound up doing a quarter of...

drugs heroin cops

I wonder if the stuff got found?!

2 years ago

I got into the house of my neighbors and I sole them their 3 TVs, one PlayStation and their microwave. I hid it under my bed for a week before i put them in the garden of another neighbor. I wonder if the stuff got found?!


I slept with one of my best friends

2 months ago

Last night I (F44) slept with one of my dearest dearest friends (M45). We're both recently single. We've known each other 17 years. We met in our early 20s and we acknowledged our attraction to each other but due to dating other people, we ignored that initial attraction. And since then I think we both were too afraid to broach the subject again and we remained purely platonic close friend....

I hail from Sunyani and my girlfriend

2 years ago

Please post me anonymously, I hail from Sunyani and my girlfriend is from Koforidua. We had our university education in Accra. I met my girlfriend on campus and we kicked off our relationship in our third year. We graduated together and decided to stay together in Accra after national service to search for employment opportunities. I haven’t had any success yet at finding a job but my girlfriend g...

I cheat on my husband with him

2 years ago

I often steal or sneak a peek on my lover’s phone when he’s in the shower. I do this all the time now. Before it locks, I am there. One day I found some emails in his archives. It involved a female friend of his that secretly had an abortion with her lover of many years. I believe that child was his but only know when manic they both often had *** together when he visited her. He says he can’t ha...

How do I tell my fiance’ I’m pregnant for another man?

2 years ago

I am a 24-year-old Cameroonian lady. I got engaged and my fiancé travelled to the United States about 1 year, 4 months ago. We truly love each other and my greatest wish is to marry this guy. He has been taking care of my bills and even my sister’s and he sends gifts to my family. I started dating this married man and the moment I really decided to end this and invited him for a talk, I d...

Caught my mom cheating with a younger guy

2 months ago

Both my parents are Latino, mom is 40 and my dad is 43. They’ve been married for 20 years. A couple days ago I saw some very ***ual explicit messages on my mom’s phone from another guy who I recognized to be younger white guy around my neighborhood. I’m conflicted on what to do…

Let's be honest teachers

2 months ago

Were all anonymous, so how many of us have stayed faithful, and how many of us have had affairs at your school