I just want to die

1 year ago

I'm tired. Really tired. Doubling my anti depressant dosage gave 4 days of not feeling suicidal. 4 days. Idk what to do anymore. Meds can't make me happy, people can't make me happy, video games can't make me happy, hobbies can't make me happy. I'm just tired.

i do nothing all day but eat, sleep

1 year ago

My constant, sloth like state disgusts me. im a 17 year old male living in england currently and i hate myself. i hate my life. im constantly in a state of boredom, but im too lazy to do anything, im not at college because i cant be bothered having to try to achieve something, i was recently in a relationship with a girl who i thought i loved, but she wanted me to go out every day and i dont want...

Used to sell drugs and lucked out twice

5 months ago

I used to sell painkillers when I was in my early 20s to pay a debt I owed. It wasn’t any big deal as what I was selling was minor compared to some of my ***ociates. I didn’t care being opportunists and easy money. A friend sold H. He had me hold the H for him while a cop was following him constantly. I was having a bad day after a girl I was with cheated on me. I wound up doing a quarter of...

drugs heroin cops

Older guys

1 year ago

Never expected it when I was younger but turns out my favorite thing in the world is to dress like a ****ty femboy and let old men do whatever they want to me.


My Definition

6 months ago

I want to share my definition of a **** stud. This is a strong, confident man who is in charge of everything around him. He's very handsome, could be in a rugged way. While he's fit, he's not an overly-muscled gym type of guy. And of course he has a great big ****. It gets so hard, and it might even be a little terrifying if you stare at it too long. He has proportional balls, not too big or too s...

she sent me a message saying we should be friends

1 year ago

I Am Derrick from adenta and am currently owning my own workshop as a welder. I was in a relationship with this lady who happened to be my cl***mate back from school, she was a really sweet woman and we had a plan of settling down next year and even went for a wedding list from her parents. Well things started heating up when my job went bad to worse a year by now and my rent was also up and so i...

we broke up because he thought I cheated

1 year ago

honestly, we broke up because he thought I cheated, i didn't. i just want him back, but i know that's not smart for mental health reasons because we weren't very healthy anymore. i miss him. a lot. he was my best friend, he's seen every part of me, seen how i am high as ****, seen me sobbing my eyes out over a woman who wasn't even related to me. i just want my friend back, without the feelings. H...

nobody wants to catch feels.

1 year ago

I flirt with people when I'm bored and that's a risky thing we do because nobody wants to catch feels.


7 months ago

Male 24 all my life I have health issue and social issues .I was good in studies but don't know what went wrong. I have no job may be I don't want to do anything everyone is just ****ed off because of me I don't even have strength to do everyday work don't know what is happening .all I feel is weakness in my entire body and mind .also have digestive issues ,headches and what not don't have enough...

Do you think women should be allowed to drive?

1 year ago

Even today if I left the house a second earlier I would’ve been badly injured. As this idiot woman didn’t think to look as she sped so fast out of a car park It’s clear pedestrians cross there and she’s an idiot. She didn’t even notice afterwards Either Any incident I’ve been in a car with involves women.

Choosing a partner

7 months ago

I fell in love with a man who was strong and with violent tendencies, I thought he could protect me from the world, and I was right. What I didn't know was that I wouldn't be able to protect myself from him.

I hail from Sunyani and my girlfriend

1 year ago

Please post me anonymously, I hail from Sunyani and my girlfriend is from Koforidua. We had our university education in Accra. I met my girlfriend on campus and we kicked off our relationship in our third year. We graduated together and decided to stay together in Accra after national service to search for employment opportunities. I haven’t had any success yet at finding a job but my girlfriend g...

The Hidden Consequence of Passive Suicidal Ideation

1 year ago

Hey yall, I'm a 22-year-old female, finally coming to grips with the hidden cost of being p***ively suicidal and depressed. I've been depressed ever since I was 10 years old, and I went through immense childhood abuse, and I planned on dying at 18. I was homeless at the time and crashing on couches, and I went to college because I had to. I went to art school because I was deeply depressed a...

How can I stop this feelings for animals

1 year ago

Hi ANONRE.COM . Keep my id anonymous, please. I have a weird confession to make.. In my case, i think am unique coz have read a lot of confessions but have not met any similar to mine. Anyway am 31 years old married with two kids since i was 20 years i have been having ***ual feelings for animals like all domestic animals chirese am attracted to animals oh. Anytime i come across any animal i get h...

I still love you, and it hurts more and more as each day passes by.

1 year ago

I hate this. I don’t want to see what I’m writing. it’s weird to see my thoughts anywhere. Every day, An, I wake up with the incredible feeling of breaking my head and gouging out my eyes. I hate myself. Every day it hurts more and more to look at you. It hurts me that I can’t get close to you and it hurts me that I’m afraid you don’t love me anymore. I never meant for us to be apart. I guess this...