
7 months ago

Male 24 all my life I have health issue and social issues .I was good in studies but don't know what went wrong. I have no job may be I don't want to do anything everyone is just ****ed off because of me I don't even have strength to do everyday work don't know what is happening .all I feel is weakness in my entire body and mind .also have digestive issues ,headches and what not don't have enough...

I Think About Killing a Girl I Liked

6 months ago

I’ve had a crush on this girl since 7th grade. Didn’t actually get to know her as a person until freshman year of HS. We became close friends, but she eventually started avoiding me. It made me sad for the most part until the last day of my freshman year. Some part of me was hoping that she’d at least say goodbye to me or wish me a good summer break. She didn’t. I saw that she had a matching henna...

I really like him but its scary

1 year ago

Please hide my identity. I'm a 35 year old woman and really need help. So I will get straight to the point. I got out of a 5 year abusive relationship and quickly got involved with a 40 year old man. I feel like I liked him very quickly because he satisfied me ***ually like no other man has. Here is the problem, he introduced me to **** ***. Now he does weird things like sniffing my dirty underwe...

Used to sell drugs and lucked out twice

5 months ago

I used to sell painkillers when I was in my early 20s to pay a debt I owed. It wasn’t any big deal as what I was selling was minor compared to some of my ***ociates. I didn’t care being opportunists and easy money. A friend sold H. He had me hold the H for him while a cop was following him constantly. I was having a bad day after a girl I was with cheated on me. I wound up doing a quarter of...

drugs heroin cops

I have an addictive personality and I'm self-destructive

7 months ago

So, I'm going to try to write a text here but I don't really know where to start because I'm not good at it, but I need to vent and "talk to someone", even if no one responds. I feel like I'm very self-destructive, I don't care much about myself or what happens to me. I do not think about the consequences either. Sometimes I think it could be a thing of age and youth (25M), but I don't know if...

I get aroused by my job?

1 year ago

I (24f) have discovered that I get incredibly aroused when I'm working because...well, I really love my job. I've always had some "wires crossed" in my brain where general excitement (e.g. being really happy or interested in something) can switch on the aroused part of my brain despite not even thinking about ***. I won't say what my exact job is but it involves an element of coding, spreads...

My husband is a sadist, he beats me during sex

1 year ago

I’m wedded in church, with no option of divorce, but regrettably, my husband is a sadist. I have been in this dilemma for over 5 years of marital vows. Though ,when we met about 8 years ago, I hadn’t noticed any sign of sadism. However, the very night of our marital consumation, things changed. I noticed something so strange that very night. My husband put his left hand across my neck, while ‘p...

Choosing a partner

7 months ago

I fell in love with a man who was strong and with violent tendencies, I thought he could protect me from the world, and I was right. What I didn't know was that I wouldn't be able to protect myself from him.

Guys are so weird sometimes

1 year ago

I once caught my mom’s boyfriend taking pictures up my skirt. I was still in 9th grade and didn’t quite know what to do at the time. Me, my mom and her boyfriend were in the living room watching a movie. My mom got up to go shower and I made myself more comfortable on the vacant space left on the couch. My mom’s boyfriend was sitting somewhat across from me next to my feet. One time I looked in hi...

Please, forgive me.

6 months ago

I am sorry. I am, please believe me! I don’t know how to fix this. I will do anything just to stop your suffering. I am a dangerous person, s***, sub-human, a cornered animal. I am psychotic, and I have killed. Ex-gang member, I joined at 13 years old. Why? **** excuses. Even if I had a good reason, it doesn’t mean ****. You always have an option to not go down that path. For my initiation, I...

My Definition

6 months ago

I want to share my definition of a **** stud. This is a strong, confident man who is in charge of everything around him. He's very handsome, could be in a rugged way. While he's fit, he's not an overly-muscled gym type of guy. And of course he has a great big ****. It gets so hard, and it might even be a little terrifying if you stare at it too long. He has proportional balls, not too big or too s...

My wife humiliated me on our vacation at a resort and I left her there.

6 months ago

We had planned to spend the holidays at this nice resort with no children allowed instead of the normal stress that the holidays bring. The first few days started out great but as it went on my wife kept drinking more and more and would be flirty with strangers which bothered me a little bit but it got so much worse. 2 days ago when I went to go use the bathroom (I was gone for awhile as travel an...

I want to watch my husband f*ck my friend

1 year ago

My husband spent almost 3 years abroad. I started working at a new place while he was away and met an amazing woman. We instantly connected and after some time, I cheated on my husband with her. I find her really ***y and *** with her is amazing. She is also bi and I told her I would love to see my husband f*ck her now that he is back. She liked the idea. A lot I think tomorrow it might actually h...

husband friend

I stole some money

6 months ago

I need to confess that I ended up stealing some money from the jar that is only used for money specifically used to buy unlicenced male medication, it has been weighing on me for a while and I just really wanted to get it off my chest. I will probably get backlash on it and that is fair and justified.

stolen money

I hail from Sunyani and my girlfriend

1 year ago

Please post me anonymously, I hail from Sunyani and my girlfriend is from Koforidua. We had our university education in Accra. I met my girlfriend on campus and we kicked off our relationship in our third year. We graduated together and decided to stay together in Accra after national service to search for employment opportunities. I haven’t had any success yet at finding a job but my girlfriend g...